Having a hard time finding a co-op in your area that is a good fit for your family? Why not start your own! Today I'm sharing some tips for you on how to get started.
First, what is a homeschool co-op? It is a cooperative of parents that work together to teach their children. Co-ops can take on many different forms. From strict programs that teach the same thing every year per grade level, to a very informal co-op with a simple activity each meeting and some playtime before or after.
We have been a part of a few co-ops. One was very loose structured co-op were we meet at a different park each week and did a science related activity and then allowed the kids to play on the playground. It started because we were already meeting for weekly play dates and as our kiddos were growing older we thought it might be fun to start doing activities with them. The mom's just take turns being in charge of the activity each and it was just a simple as that.
The co-op that we are a part of now (and have been for a number of years - minus the Covid years) is more structured. We have different classes for different age levels, class periods, and a lunch time. Most classes offered are enrichment classes. While they may be on a core subject, they are meant to be an enrichment and not actual course work.
I started the simple co-op with a friend, and I took our current co-op over after Covid. So I have some experience with starting and running a co-op. Below are my tips for you if you are thinking of starting a co-op in your area.
Tip 1: Start Small!
I repeat... Start small! Keep things simple at first. Don't try and start with a multiple classes co-op. Start with a smaller group with similar age children and meet at a simple location like a park or even rotate at each members home. You can have one or two groups with different age levels if you have enough parents to do that. But try to keep it as simple as possible and allow the co-op to grow slow and steady.
Tip 2: Get Help
As your co-op grows, consider forming a board of parents to start working together to set goals for what you guys want the co-op to look like in the near future. On this note, make sure that all parents are contributing in some way. Remember this is a cooperative environment!
Tip 3: Become a Non-profit if You get Bigger
Once you get big enough to have multiple classes and possible need to start to look for a rental space, it's time to look into forming a non-profit. It will help you in the long run. It is a more simple process than you think and work the extra effort.
Tip 4: Watch the Video Below
If you would like to hear more about how to start a co-op, check out this video from my YouTube channel where I share more about our experiences:
Have you ever started a co-op before? What tips would you share with someone just starting out? If you are part of a co-op, what is it like?