Homeschooling is HARD! There is no getting around it. Homeschool takes a lot of your time. Homeschool takes patience. Homeschool can sometimes be expensive. But is all of this worth it?
The short answer is 1000%!
Homeschooling is worth all the time, energy, stress, patience, cost, bad days, and more! Homeschooling is what is best for my kids and that makes it all worth it!
Homeschooling for us is about freedom, tailored learning, and self-discovery for our kiddos. These things just simply are not possible or easily done in a group schooling setting. Even though schoolteachers are amazing and do everything they can to help students get an education that is best for them, there are just too many rules/regulations and too many kids! The teachers don't have the time and resources that they would need to give each child in their class a tailored education. But I can do.
Homeschooling allows us so many freedoms. Freedom to set our own schedule. Freedom to go at our own pace. Freedom to learn in a way that is best for our students. Freedom to experience the world around us. Freedom to travel. Freedom to spend as much time with each other as possible.
Homeschooling allows us to tailor the learning experience to best fit our child. Whether that is using curriculum that is best suited to our child's learning style or the ability to dive deep into a topic they are really excited about. If our child is excelling in an area, we can give them freedom to move ahead and not have to wait for others to catch up. If our child is struggling in an area, we can give them extra time and extra tools to help them better. We can use tools like learning through play, field trips, visiting experts in a field of study and much more that school just are not able to give students.
Homeschooling also allows are kids to be themselves and discover who they really are without the influences of others on their self-esteem and self-identity. This is really hard for kids, especially when they have so many outside influences and pressures of "fitting in". Sure, homeschool students are going to experience this as well (I mean we are not hermits!). But it is on a much smaller scale, and most of the time the parent is there to help them figure out how they feel about something rather than them having to go it alone until they have the chance go get to mom/dad.
There are so many more reasons that I could add to this list. Like so many more! But in an effort to keep this from going on and on, I'm going to end it right here. There are some of the things that I try to remember when the days get hard. And trust me there will be many hard days. But remembering that there are reasons you choose this path can really help you get through those tough days.
If you want to hear me chat more about the reasons, we think homeschooling is worth it, check out this video here:
What are your reasons that make homeschooling worth it? Share below in the comments! I'd love to hear them!